
One artist's journey: Trying to live a creative life with grace, grit, gratitude...and a border collie.
(or perhaps I should say: greys, grit and gratitude)

09 February 2014

Something Good

It was below zero when I pointed the faithful Tundra toward the barn to bash my way two miles through a foot of new snow. 

Twice a day, seven days a week...hauling cartloads of hay and spreading it for the ponies...no matter what the weather. You'd think I'd complain...but, no...instead, I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. 

How did it happen that I found this wonderful house to rent and such a great landlord (I adore his whole family!) and a breathtakingly grand place to live...? (Not to mention having my fabulous family and friends...a good dog, sweet kitties, silly ponies and work that I love)
As I waded through the snow feeding ponies in the bitter cold, I found myself singing (with apologies to Julie Andrews)...

"Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could
So somewhere in my youth or childhood

I must have done something good"

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